Monday, June 8, 2009

Day 70- Little Confused

I'm not sure how all boys with older sisters are, but Little Man has always had some...uhmm... confusion (not that there's anything wrong with that). He goes back and forth from all boy to quite girly, but recently when he and I were playing in his room when the game turned to Barbies. What happened next was kindly documented by me for future torture... maybe, I'm still not sure. You be the judge.

First we were playing blocks. We made a house with towers and a garage.

Then he decided that for some reason the Barbies needed to be naked and take a dip in the Elmo cake pan pool. The clothed ones weren't allowed in.

Then he stuck 1 guy Barbie in. I guess hanging with a bunch of naked Barbies is a man thing to do, but then he informed me that they were naked because they didn't have the "right" outfits on.

Then the guy got out... I'm just not sure how 'out' that doll is yet.

Then they upgraded to the Olympic sized block box. All the girls are sitting on each other's laps naked, but the guys are getting pretty cozy themselves...

Then they whispered some sweet nothings in each other's ears.

Then he decided he was done and started blowing crap up and running it over with his pirate ship. Back to square one... (that's Sweetie Pie's princess wand by the way!)

1 Thoughts From Others:

Vivienne @ the V Spot said...

I love it! That's one well-rounded young man you've got there!

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